Corona live

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Do that you want

Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Monday, April 27, 2020

CORONA काल^-*

           दुनियाके ईतिहासमे जिस तरिके से भुत काल, वर्तमान काल ओर भविष्य कालका उल्लेख किया गाया है उसी तरह भविष्य के भुत कालका किसि एक खण्डको Corona काल के रुपमे परिभाषित जरुर किया जा सकता है ।
·       शुरुवात से लेकर लगभग Half a Year का समय को Nobel corona Virus ने निगल चुका है । पुरी दुनिया मे लगभग   corona virusका 2,975,533 case दिख चुका ,  जिनमे से 206,046 आदमीयोको Death हो चुका है । पुरी दुनिया के  Doctors, Scientists,  Researchers मिलकर ईसके कहेरको रोकने मे लगा हुवा है उसके वावजुद भी coronaको बढते कहेरको कम नही करपाये किसिने । जिस तरिके से इसका कहेर बढता जाराहा है उस तरिके से ये अनुमान कर्ना कोई गलत नहि होगा की “कै और साल खाँ सकते है ये corona virus” ।
·        corona कालके पारिभाषाके लिये इतना केहना भला ही अप्रयाप्त क्यु न हो पर corona द्वारा निगलता हुवा समय और बढता हुवा death rate को देख कर corona काल केहना कोइ गलत नहि होगा । Corona

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Start Your Own Startup

Start Your Own Startup

Why you are doing a job? Think that doing a job is your interest or necessity. If it is your interest than no problem carry it on. If it is your necessity than quit the job and start your own startup. If you are doing the job to fulfill your requirement then your requirement might be related to money problem. No any Job can solve your money problem.
Think once if you are doing a job for a company then the company will provide you some amount of money only when you provide 100 times more amount of your salary to the company in the form of work.
In another way we can say that doing a job is an active salary life it means you can get salary after you perform a job. Suppose when you are not able to do the job then what will happen, you will not get any salary.
If you start your life in passive salary then your life will become an economy freedom. Passive salary will provide you money without involvement of your own. And it is possible only when you start your own Startup.
In case doing job, your position will increase up to top rank but in case of your startup your company will increase up to top rank.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Thinking power

हमारे सोच हि हमे हर दिशा मे लेजाता है जिस दिशाए मे हम जाना चाहते है | इसीलिए बडे बन्ने कि ओर जाना है तो बडे सोचना चाहिए | हमे हमारे सोच को रोकना नही चाहिए | एक आजाद पन्छी कि तरह हमारे सोचको आजादी मिलनी चाहिए | क्युकी हमारे सोच ही हमारे जीवन के लिए Road Map तैयार कर्ता है |

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Time Travel

Possible or not!
What does it mean?
Time travels features extensively in fiction, but there is some theoretical basis to the idea, we are always traveling through time, as we move from the past into the future. But time travel usually refers to the possibility of changing the rate at which we travel into the future, or completely reversing it so that we travel into the past. Although a plot device in fiction since the 19th Century, time travel has never been practically demonstrated or verified but now it will possible.
While we talk about time travel then we must talk about the time past, present and future. Among of them, our life is staying in the present time scale. It means we are living in present, not in the past or future where we expanse our life having of time is 1 second, it means 1 sec of life is equals to 1 sec of time.
Think once about the answer of the question:
What will happen if 1 sec of time equals to 2 sec of life?
As we all know that we are living in the present time where
1 sec of time = 1 sec of life  
1 hour time = 1 hour life
1 day time = 1 day life
1 month time = 1 month life
1 year time = 1 year life
This time scale shows that our life and time is equals. So this time represents an instant point of time called as the present time. In this scale, we have information about life for instant time only. We cannot get the real or exact data about the past or future. We can only record the information about present events. We can also say that our life and the time in the present scale traveling in parallel.
Now come to the point

What will happen if 1 sec of time equals to 2 sec of life?
We can think “What will happen if 1 sec of time equals to 2 sec of life?”
Let’s see the scale
1 sec of time = 2 sec of life  
1 hour time = 2 hour life
1 day time = 2 day life
1 month time = 2 month life
1 year time = 2 year life
What can understand from the above scale? The above scale shows that we can travel in the future. We can experience our life of next second within 1 second of time. We can collect all the data/ information of events that will happen in the next day of life by staying in one day of time. If it will happen then we can see our future. No doubt if we able to see the future then we can plan for the future. This scale shows the possibility to travel in the future. How is the possible- I will discuss in the next topics of “Time Dilation”
Time traveling is really a mystery, it is good only while we listening, but it makes us blank when think to travel in the future or past time. In present, we also travel in time but the traveling rate is the same as the life. That is the traveling rate is 1 hour per hour. To reach in future of 1 hour we have to expanse one hour of time. If we increase our traveling rate as to reach in the future of 2 hour we have to expanse one hour of time that is traveling rate is 2 hours per hour. It means we have to alter the time to reach in the future. It is only possible from the theory of Special Relativity Theory of Einstein.
In Special Relativity of Einstein States that the time duration will pass at different rates when comparing the object of rest vs motion’s object. Greater the velocity( Near about velocity of light, C) of an object in motion. Then the time for both objects have different, these difference of time is also called Time Dilation.

We know the derived Time Dilation formula
T = dilated time
t = usable time
v = velocity of the object that is in motion
C= velocity of light
Let’s explain it, suppose a person is placed in a machine for 5 days whose velocity is near about 2.5*10^8 m/s and we know the velocity of light is 3*10^8 m/s. then we can find the dilated time.
Here the time used by the person is 5 days so usable time is T=5 days and the velocity of the machine in which the person is placed is v=2.5*10^8 meter per second now dilated time is calculated below:
Here we can see that the dilated time is t=9.057 days, suppose it 9 days.
We can clearly see that the person expand his 5 days only but due to the velocity of machine, he experiences his 9 days life. it means he reached in the future for four days ahead. When he reached in 9 days he can collect all the datas of the future.
We can say that while all people experiencing their life of 5 days but the person who is inside the machine has reached in the future 4 days ahead.
Now we have to search for the environment where we can get the velocity near to the velocity of light. If we will be able to create the such velocity then no doubt time travel will possible near in future.  


Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year 2019

Monday, November 26, 2018

Macaulay Education system in india | Rajiv Dixit

Best Motivational speech in HINDI EVER / DISCOVERY oF ME WITHIN YOU by A...

Monday, November 5, 2018


Monday, June 25, 2018

Online bus tickets in Nepal